Friday, May 29, 2009

An attempt at creativity

I have always enjoyed exploring the creative side of my mind. The part of my mind that is not stimulated by the work that I get paid to do on a daily basis. I try to do this through my volunteer work, of working with kids with cancer in the summers and through out the year. Helping them to explore their creative side as a mode of healing is an excellent way for me to also explore and expand my creative side as well.

Since I have been dealing with chronic migraines and depression over the last 10 years I have found that I am tired. It is hard to find the mental space to explore the creativity that I enjoy. What has inspired me lately are some of the relationships that I have developed on the Internet with fellow bloggers who also are chronic migraine sufferers or dealing with their own illnesses. They have used creativity and imagination as an outlet to assist in the healing and quite frankly the dealing of their illness. One in particular, Migraine Chickie, has been truly inspiring.

So I have writing comics, haiku's, knitting, building a dollhouse, painting, etc. I also am really interested in learning how to needle felt, taking up origami again, and a bunch of other things. I wanted somewhere to share some of these as they deal with parts of my life that I know have helped me and have inspired others to find some humour in their situations. I also hope that this will help me to deal with some of the illnesses through art, craft and imagination.

FYI, I have a bunch of backed up stuff to start with. so lots of posts at the beginning I would think, and then it will taper off as I move forward. Bare with me. I'm welcoming Creativity back into my life.......